
New website!

Wednesday, 18th January 2017

Welcome to the new website; I hope you find it informative. The website aims to showcase some of the modelling work that can be carried out using examples, test cases and visualisations. Check out the blog section as well for modelling case studies and articles on things going on in the world of coastal science and modelling.

The website was created in-house using HTML, CSS and JavaScript as I aim to develop some online tools and interactive visualisations (For example, see the interactive coastal defence and wave overtopping visualisation tool here) and be able to implement them easily onto the website. I have endeavoured to make the website fully responsive so that it looks good on mobile, tablet or desktop. However, all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Please get in touch at

2019 winter newletter!

Monday, 16th December 2019

Our 2019 winter newsletter is out! You can read it here.

Looking forward to 2020 at JM Coastal!

Tuesday, 7th January 2020

Find out what is going on at JM Coastal in 2020 here.